Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Through His Eyes

There is a 75% chance or greater that your marriage will fail if  you have a special needs child.  I know of families that seek to adopt special needs children and I say "God bless them".  If my husband, Allan and I did not have a relationship with Christ, I don't know how we would survive. Thank God for a husband who is patient and does not give up.

Raising a child with special needs can be exhausting physically and emotionally.  Some special needs children do not sleep well which puts an additional drain on the parents.  My heart goes out to all the single moms who are doing this job alone.  Their greatest need might just be five minutes alone to spend on themselves.

Probably the greatest thing I have learned on this journey is that I am not alone.  I have a God who is leading me and is with me each step of the way.  I like what Coral Bergmann says in Jenny McCarthy's book "Mother Warriors".  "...I am not alone.  I have had a chance to be reacquainted with God.  Not the God you meet in your Sunday best in church, but the God you meet on your kitchen floor at three in the morning."

Whatever your struggle may be, however dark your day, God is there and takes note of each tear.  Your pain is never wasted when you give it to Him.  He has this amazing way of creating something beautiful out of what the world would reject.  He makes what looks like a mistake, into a miracle.  His vision is so much better than ours.

Lord, everyday, let me see ... through Your eyes.. 

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